GDPR Accommodation Text




Under Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law") and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), BİRUN HOTEL – BİRUN ISLAND HOTEL TOURISM INC. processes the personal data of individuals as the data controller in accordance with the principles set out in the Law and GDPR. As BİRUN HOTEL – BİRUN ISLAND HOTEL TOURISM INC., we take all necessary technical and administrative measures in accordance with the Law and GDPR and perform periodic audits to ensure that personal data is processed in compliance with the law. You can access detailed information about the processed personal data through this information text.

What Personal Data Do We Process?

When you are a customer of Birun Hotel, we are obliged to process certain personal data within the framework of our commercial relationship and legal obligations. However, we process some of your personal data based on your request to improve the service and enhance its quality.

The following are the personal data we process:

  • Your identity information (name, surname, ID number, ID serial number, mother's name, father's name, place, and date of birth, marital status, religion, blood type, signature, photograph, registered province, district, neighborhood, village, volume number, family serial number, gender, passport, foreign identity),
  • Your contact information (phone number, email address, address),
  • Information about your children under 18 (name, surname, date of birth, age),
  • Your credit card number (for banking transactions and reservations),
  • Tax identification number, tax number, individual company information if you request an invoice,
  • Your entry and exit date and time information,
  • Your vehicle plate information,
  • Your preferences and interests (e.g., smoking/non-smoking room, preferred floor, type of bedding, pillow type, newspaper/magazine type, sports, cultural interests),
  • Image information through security cameras in common areas of our facility,
  • Surveys, suggestions, and request contents you have submitted to us within the framework of customer satisfaction,
  • Use, location, and plate information of the vehicle allocated to you in case of a car request,
  • Health information (health-disability-restriction status, allergen warning, temperature measurement data within the scope of pandemic measures),
  • Statistical information and cookies about the pages visited on our website,
  • Visual and auditory data taken during events and activities at the hotel,
  • Visual and auditory data recorded for ensuring physical space security.

Personal data classified as special categories, such as blood type, device-prosthesis information, and religion, are not intentionally collected. However, during transactions with your identity or driver's license, information such as religion, blood type, and device-prosthesis information may be visible.

In addition, we process your health-disability-restriction information and allergen warning information if you specify it to us, so that we can provide you with better service and ensure a higher quality stay at our facility (e.g., wheelchair use, allergen product information).

The use of your contact information for campaign, promotion, promotion, marketing purposes (e.g., sending emails, SMS for campaigns, promotions, promotions, or marketing) is done with your consent.

What Are the Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data?

The collection and processing of your personal data by BİRUN HOTEL – BİRUN ISLAND HOTEL TOURISM INC. will be carried out in accordance with the purposes specified in the information text. Your personal data, primarily for the establishment of the accommodation service contract between us or for the better execution of our service obligation arising from the contract, and for fulfilling our legal obligation to inform;

  • In order to establish the accommodation service contract between us,
  • For managing room reservations and accommodation requests,
  • For managing your hotel stay and managing access to rooms,
  • To provide better service during your hotel stay,
  • For the provision of security in our facilities and areas,
  • To inform authorized public institutions and organizations within the scope of our legal obligations,
  • For the creation or execution of general or personalized campaigns, advantages, promotions, advertisements, notifications, and marketing activities,
  • To protect the legitimate interests of our company within the framework of not harming the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject,
  • For the resolution of existing or future legal disputes,
  • To detect unauthorized entries and notify the relevant person/institutions,
  • By conducting satisfaction surveys related to your hotel stay, in order to improve our service and standards,
  • To ensure compliance with legal obligations specified in KVKK, with regulatory and supervisory institutions/persons, as required by legal regulations,
  • To create and store legal documents in accordance with accounting standards.

To Whom Do We Transfer Your Personal Data?

Your personal data is transferred to:

  • Law enforcement agencies to fulfill our notification obligation and ensure the continuation of transactions,
  • Banks and relevant public institutions to perform payment and refund transactions,
  • Publicly through our website and social media accounts for the conduct of marketing and advertising campaigns,
  • To the Information Technologies Institution if requested to fulfill our obligations,
  • To relevant health institutions for the management of the pandemic process,
  • To the legal service provider we receive services from and authorized public institutions and organizations for the conduct of legal processes,
  • To your legal representatives to whom you have given authorization,
  • Our suppliers, support service providers, archive service providers, and partners with whom we benefit from services, with whom we have collaborations, are shared.

Also, when you make a transaction (reservation or payment) through the reservation tools/sites and the agency you prefer to stay at the hotel, data transfer to the preferred agency (domestic-foreign) is made due to the necessity of the transaction.

How Do We Collect Personal Data and What Is the Legal Basis?

As BİRUN HOTEL – BİRUN ISLAND HOTEL TOURISM INC., we collect your personal data through the following methods:

  • The information you declare to our consultants at the reception, which is recorded in our systems by these individuals,
  • The information you share in the reservation transactions you make online,
  • All kinds of reservations, collections, transactions, survey filling, registration, and behavioral transactions you make, which are recorded in our systems,
  • The information received from agencies is recorded in our systems when transactions are made through agencies,
  • The information you provide during communication with you by phone is recorded in our systems,
  • Taking photos and video recordings for marketing and advertising campaigns and for security purposes,
  • Automatic methods such as recording with security cameras inside and outside the business,
  • Non-automatic methods such as obtaining your personalized/commercial communication permission and/or filling out a survey form.

BİRUN HOTEL – BİRUN ISLAND HOTEL TOURISM INC. collects your personal data by adhering to the legal reasons of "the necessity of processing data for the establishment and performance of the contract", "the fulfillment of our legal obligation", and "the necessity of processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller" within the scope of service processes in the business; within the scope of our legal obligations arising from legislation, the legal reason of "fulfillment of the legal obligation"; and within the scope of recording with security cameras inside and outside the business, the legal reasons of "the necessity of processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller" and "the necessity of processing and transferring data for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right".

The data processing activity carried out for personalized/commercial communication, survey, and marketing purposes (sending messages-SMS-email, photographing and recording events, sharing on the website and social media accounts) and the processing of data such as blood type, device-prosthesis, and religion in your old type identity-driver's license are carried out within the scope of your explicit consent.

What Are Your Rights Against Our Data Processing Activities?

Everyone can request, in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK:

  • To learn whether their personal data is processed,
  • To request information if their personal data has been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
  • To request correction if personal data is incomplete or incorrectly processed and, within this scope, to request the notification of the transaction made to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK and, within this scope, to request the notification of the transaction made to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • If personal data is processed unlawfully and causes damage, to request the compensation of the damage.

The relevant person can submit their requests regarding these rights to our Company in accordance with the principles and procedures specified in the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller. Requests of the relevant person will be evaluated and decided free of charge as soon as possible and within a maximum of thirty (30) days. In case the evaluation and decision-making process requires an additional cost, the fee specified in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be taken as a basis.

Respectfully submitted to our guests.

Data Controller's Identity



Phone Number: 00216 547 52 00

Email Address:

Address: Democracy and Freedoms Island, Kınalıada Neighborhood, Heybetli Street, No:39 Adalar 34970 Istanbul