Community Participation Policy

Birun Hotel Istanbul is committed to building positive relationships with our local community based on respect and mutual support (when appropriate). In essence, we believe and strive to achieve the following:

The engagement and empowerment of the local community are always encouraged and supported.

We respect intellectual property rights, culture, and traditions when dealing with local and indigenous communities.

We ensure that individuals or communities in the local population are not subjected to discrimination in areas such as recruitment, employment, procurement, or tender processes, including suppliers and traders.

We provide relative preferences for local suppliers.

We offer relative preferences for leasing resources from the local community, provided that minimum qualifications are always met.

We encourage our guests to go on tours to see the local people and learn more about local traditions.

The hotel never obstructs access to water sources, other essential resources, or services for the local community.

We are committed to assigning and consulting with the local community, considering and responding to their opinions when planning any development that could affect them. We conduct pre-assessments of developments that may have potential impacts on the local community.

We implement an internal procurement policy that prioritizes local services or product providers whenever possible.

The hotel uses local suppliers as much as possible, especially for items like fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc.

The hotel promotes other local products and services to guests by recommending guides, markets, and handicrafts.

The hotel always evaluates opportunities to provide services or facilities that are not normally available to the community.

The hotel seeks to preserve local common areas, infrastructure, or places for public services by contributing directly or participating in a local tourism council. These activities are documented.

The hotel encourages customers to explore the destination.

When one or more of our on-site facilities are offered to non-residents (including the local population), they are treated no differently from accommodation residents.

In places where access rights to public areas/roads exist, there are never obstacles, signs, or other controls that hinder public access rights.