Purchasing Policy

As Birun Hotel Istanbul, in our product purchases, if there is no significantly better alternative in terms of price and quality standards:

  • In our business, attention is paid to the energy class (A - D) of the electrical usage type in the purchase of electrical devices.

  • Priority is given to the use of local suppliers in the purchases made by our business. If there is a significant price and quality difference between local suppliers and others, others are preferred.

  • Attention must be paid to ensuring that products purchased by our business are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. All purchased products must comply with quality standards. From the supplier from whom the purchase is made (at the time of the first purchase), quality, licenses, and other necessary documents are requested.

  • In the purchases made for our business, concentrate, large-scale, large-packaged, recyclable, and products that generate as little waste as possible are taken into consideration.

  • Products derived from endangered species and animal products whose hunting is prohibited are not purchased for our business.

  • In the future, our business will not prefer devices using harmful gases such as R22 in air conditioning devices. It is envisaged that environmentally friendly gases and energy-saving devices of class A, B, and C will be preferred.

  • Equipment containing R22 is included in the replacement plan, taking into account legal replacement periods/amortization lifetimes.

  • Products produced sustainably/sourced from sustainable sources, environmentally sustainable, Fair Trade/Organic/FSC/MSC, etc. products are preferred for our business.