Environment, Waste Management and Zero Waste Policy

Birun Hotel Istanbul aims to leave a clean and healthy environment to future generations with its sustainable environmental approach. In this context, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities stated below regarding waste management.

To contribute to the continuous improvement of our processes related to the prevention of environmental pollution, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems,
Increasing the use of renewable, clean energy,
To use our natural resources effectively,
Reducing water consumption,
Reducing waste at its source,
To ensure the separation and recycling of waste with the principle of zero waste,
Reducing chemical consumption and pesticide use, choosing products that do not harm nature,
Reducing our environmental impacts and obtaining new environmental opportunities by conducting effective risk analysis,
To expand the use of environmentally friendly products,
Acting with a life cycle perspective during the creation and implementation of our processes,
To monitor our carbon footprint and reduce it in line with the targets,
To carry out planned studies to reduce the negative environmental impacts arising from emergencies,
To support our employees who will contribute to the effectiveness of the Environment/Energy management system,
To provide training that will increase the awareness of employees about important environmental aspects and impacts,
To make our Environmental Protection Activities a corporate culture,
Giving priority to environmentally sustainable suppliers in supplier selection,
To ensure that our environmental compliance obligations are fulfilled,
To inform and ensure the participation of all our relevant parties regarding our environmental activities and principles.