Child Protection Policy

Birun Hotel Istanbul is committed to doing its part to protect children. We support children's rights as declared by UNICEF, in particular those set out below.

Every child is encouraged to be provided with extra care, protection and opportunities to rest and play, ensuring that their childhood is a time free from exploitation or adult responsibilities.
The right of every child to have healthcare, clean water, nutritious food and a safe environment to be as healthy as possible is supported.
The right of every child to receive education to fully develop their personality, talents and skills is supported.
All children have the same rights regardless of their ethnicity, gender, beliefs, abilities or family background. Yet every day, children, just like adults, face discrimination for a variety of reasons. All forms of discrimination are rejected.
Every child has the right to have a say in matters that affect them, depending on their age and maturity, and their opinions are taken seriously.
Any form of child abuse is prohibited within hotel boundaries.